Major facts about blogging you should know about – People have different goals with their blogging journeys. You could start a blog to share your passion or maybe start it as a business to earn from it in the long run. Here are major facts about blogs you should know before starting your own blog.
Major Facts About Blogging You Should Know

1. It takes time to notice progress
Starting a blog with the hopes of being discovered so soon or going viral will only get you frustrated. This is because there is more to blogging than just publishing content on your blog.
Well yes you need to publish great content. But again do you expect people to know about your blog just like that? Of course not. You will need to get the content in front of the people you target to read your blog.
And that will probably take time to grow. Because if you are promoting on social media you will need to grow the social media accounts first. Which determines how many people you can reach by posting on the particular social media you choose for your blog.
The same applies if you choose to do SEO. The sad truth is that it will take at least 6 months to get your blog ranking on search engines.
There are already established blogs that you are competing with. It will take efforts and hard work for you to outrank their content. That is to prove to the search engines that your blog has more to offer compared to your competitors.
It will obviously take time to grow some presence online.
So understand that it will take time for your blog to be discovered and in return get results you. It also determines your blog eligibility to be approved into affiliate programs, ad networks and even get blog sponsorships.
Understanding and accepting this will get your emotions in place.
2. Blogging is lonely
Well you read that right. When you start a blog, you have to invest your time in working on it from content creation to promotion. All that is online and that means you will need to create more to get it done.
Mostly if you are planning to blog full time, be prepared to have some time to yourself. There is a lot to blogging which will require you to research on. This is to ensure you are doing everything right as well as incorporating the advancements in the blogging strategies.
All this you cannot do and at the same time be at the beach having fun with your friends. I hope that makes sense.
3. Starting a blog won’t make you rich
We all have come across those posts online about how people make thousands of dollars a month from their blogs. Well, that may be true but one thing people overlook is the efforts and hard work that has been done for the blog to reach that level.
Blogging just like every other type of business will require you to invest and work on it so as to get it to the level of success you aspire. How does blogging work and reasons why you shouldn’t be a blogger.
You will need a great theme and high quality domain and perhaps incorporate the necessary monetization methods to achieve that success in the shortest time possible.
So if you wish to earn big from your blog be prepared to invest on your blog from investing your time to investing your money so as to ensure that it stands out from the millions of blogs out there.
This will get your blog higher likeliness of consideration by blog sponsors and affiliate websites which will in return generate you income.
4. Writing has to be part of you to start a blog
Well…this may sound so obvious but I had to have it on the list. Reason being many people get lured into blogging from the success stories they see online from successful bloggers.
Blogging will need you to have writing and content creation as part of what you can do and not feel like it is a lot.
Think of it this way for example, venturing into programming just because you just found out how much programmers earn in their profession. Realistically, you have no programming skills and even the passion of programming has never crossed your mind. I hope you get the point.
So before starting a blog, ask yourself if you can be able to write content consistently to run and maintain the blog. Here are tips on how to design a website if you are just getting started.
How to start blogging business ideas for you
Supplementing blogging
This may sound funny but from point 4 above, if you evaluate yourself and find that writing is not among your interests, then this point is for you.
Let’s look at it this way, you just don’t love writing and perhaps if you start the blog it automatically will be headed to failure since you do not love what blogging relies on.
So what if you can come up with great content ideas and you can also promote it well but you are not a writer? Now supplementing blogging for vlogging can best suit you.
Blogging and Vlogging difference
Vlogging is more like blogging just that content presentation is in video format and not blog posts thus the name vlogging due to the video content. Here is a detailed post on blogging and vlogging difference.
So all hope is not lost for you as you can opt to go for vlogging on YouTube. You might want to read these blogging disadvantages to be in the know.
By starting your YouTube channel and having your videos published, you can reach out to transcribers online and have them transcribe your videos, format them properly into blog posts for your blog. Learn how YouTube channels work.
You can also choose to run the YouTube channel alone if it sounds like a lot of work to hire transcribers to transcribe and format blog posts for a blog. We all know YouTube is as well an independent business model just like blogging.
Check out these ideas for building a youtube channel.
Those were the “Major Facts About Blogging You Should Know Before Starting”- Blogging can seem so easy since it is cheap to start but let us be real with it. There is more to running the blog than just starting and launching it.
Let me know your views on this and also feel free to leave any suggestions or questions in the comment section below I will be so glad to hear from you and be of help.
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Hey, I’m Frank! A Digital Entrepreneurship enthusiast. I help people understand the fundamentals of digital entrepreneurship. I created this site originally to hone my web design skills, motivate & inspire people who also love to dream big! Read more...