Why Starting Out Secretly Can Help You Succeed with Your Blog

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Why to blog secretly – A common question among beginners is whether to blog secretly or go all out. In my honest view, I believe it all depends on whether what you want to blog about relates to your family and friends or not.

However, in this post I will be discussing the advantages of keeping it a secret at the beginning.

Why to Blog Secretly When Starting

why to blog

1. Fear of not being understood

On top of the list is fear. Fear of sharing personal stories with friends and family. We all have those stories we’d rather keep to ourselves than sharing with close friends or family basically people who know us personally.

If you are starting a personal blog, I think keeping it a secret is a wise decision as you will be connecting with people who understand your story and are interested in reading about it.

Sometimes the stories may involve the friends or family in question which by sharing could ignite some unnecessary frictions. Struggling with ideas? Here are 6 blog post types to write about.

2. Pressure from friends and family

Think of the last time you had some goal in your mind and shared it before you got it done. I bet you had a hard time making it happen. This is due to the pressure from those you had told about the goals you were shooting for.

It could be negativity from them or just perceptions that could lead to you losing the drive to work it out. When starting your blog, I know this may sound weird but nobody but you knows the vision of the blog. That’s the sad truth.

What if nobody among your friends and family got the slightest interest or knowledge about blogging? We both know what to expect from them when you reveal you want to venture into blogging.

They would either kill the dream by making your idea look like a joke or wishful thinking. Check most of the successful bloggers and even youtubers, they’ll tell you head on nobody in their circle or family consumes their content.

And that’s totally fine. Of course family and friends are there to support us but not in everything especially what they don’t understand. Read these facts about blogs and lessons I’ve learned so far the hard way.

So if you feel they won’t be surprised by the idea, you can go ahead and reveal it but if it will mean taking responsibility to educate them about it to earn their support, I advise you keep it a secret as it will do nothing but slow you down.

3. Fear of failing and being seeing as a joke

So imagine the scenario where you revealed your plans on something you were going to do. And unfortunately didn’t make it as planned. How did that feel knowing that the people close to you were watching to see if you’d succeed at it?

Let’s face it, when you reveal your dreams to people you will most definitely start pushing yourself to prove yourself to them. And that’s not a road you want to take trust me.

It is way much better to work out of your own self-drive than the urge to live up to your word. Discover best blogging practices to stay motivated.

4. Need to connect with target audience

You may be blogging about things that are of no interest to your family and friends.

So why would it be so great to reveal the blog upfront to them? Obviously, chances are the support you seek won’t be anywhere to be found in them if it’s a topic they have no interest in.

Haven’t started yet? Here is a simple guide on how to start a blog on wordpress in minutes.


So there you have it “Why to blog secretly when starting”. If you have any suggestions, questions or more ideas feel free to engage in the comments down below I’ll be glad to hear from you.

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Meet the Author

Hey, I’m Frank! A Digital Entrepreneurship enthusiast. I help people understand the fundamentals of digital entrepreneurship. I created this site originally to hone my web design skills, motivate & inspire people who also love to dream big! Read more...

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