How to Make Money with Google AdSense – A Beginner’s Guide to Passive Income

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Google adsense how to make money with display ads. So you have worked on your new blog and have reached a level of monetizing and are wondering how to monetize it with Google AdSense display ads.

Don’t get puzzled as I got you covered. As we all know, different ad networks have different requirements in order to approve blogs into their network. In this post we will be looking at the best ad network for you as a new blogger.

This is because I believe everything about blogging can get done with the proper knowledge and skills. Apart from the traffic part which takes some time to grow.

Google AdSense does not have traffic requirements in order to approve your blog. If you have unique and great content published then you are in a good place.

Google AdSense How to Make Money With Display Ads Guide

google adSense how to make money

About Google AdSense display ads

Google AdSense is the best contextual ad network. It is so easy to get approved if only you can observe all publisher policies involved. On top of that it is easy to implement. All you have to do is let the system choose where and how to display ads on your blog.

So keep reading as I am going to break it down to what you exactly need to get approved and get your blog generating some ad revenue.

Google AdSense requirements

1. Domain quality

The domain of your blog is the first thing we will look at. To get approved you need to create the impression of seriousness from the rest of numerous bloggers out there.

Your domain plays a big role in this. To get it working for you, you will have to make sure that your domain is of high quality. A ‘.com’ domain is the one mostly used so if you can get one for your blog then it will be the best.

2. SSL Certificate

If you are using another hosting apart from blogger/BlogSpot, you will be required to have this certificate so ensure you have it before submitting your blog for Google AdSense review.

3. Theme

This has to do with your blog appearance, how visitors interact with your blog. Ensure that user experience is taken care of by choosing a responsive and simple theme for your blog which is speedy and SEO optimized. Learn what seo is.

Visitors should be able to navigate smoothly over your blog; the menus should be well-structured as well.

Google puts user experience first so if by any chance you have a free theme installed, make the necessary customizations to make it stand out and make everything good looking.

You don’t want to get a theme full of broken links that lead nowhere. This can be a major factor in getting your blog rejected by the Google AdSense bots. Another thing on the theme is you want to have only the necessary widgets on.

Do not get things just placed on your site which are not offering any value.

4. Content

The content has to be sufficient for consideration before you submit your blog for review by Google AdSense. You do not want to get reviewed with less to no posts published on your site.

Google AdSense wants to partner with sites that offer value to people and solutions to problems being searched online.

I advise having at least a minimum of 30 posts published with each post having a minimum of a 1000 words. Still on the content, you will need to come up with content that is completely unique.

Google AdSense will not approve your blog if all you do is just copy paste other people hard work into your blog.

that is against the policies and also it shows that you have nothing of value to offer as all you have is already published elsewhere and most probably will be less valuable as compared to where you got it from.

If you are not able to create unique great content, then you can get someone to create it for you.

Do not repost same content over and over again. I understand some of us may be venturing into blogging to make it a business but trust me it will not work for you if you want to take shortcuts.

The profitable blogs around have a lot of hard work behind them before the financial success we can see.

It is okay to keep a slow pace at updating your blog with new content as opposed to getting a single post posted several times.

Remember you cannot trick the algorithm used to approve sites into the program, so great ethical work is the key and it is what will get your blog discovered and considered by your audience.

These are guidelines that you might want to follow in creating your blog content:-

  • Create content consistently. Content is the major factor in getting your site approved by Google AdSense.
  • Do not publish adult content on the site you wish to get approved into Google AdSense. Ensure you go through the Google policies well so as to avoid any violations that might lead to rejection.
  • Do not use other websites content. Be unique, if you want to reference you might need to just refer to the site by linking out to them.
  • A Gmail address will be best for submitting the AdSense application

5. Blog pages

These are pages that are necessary for every blog; you will need to get them setup for your blog. They include:-

  • About us
  • Terms and conditions
  • Disclaimer
  • Privacy policy
  • Contact

Create all the above pages and ensure that they can be easily accessed on the blog. They help you protect yourself as a blogger and your readers too.

That is basically what you need for your blog to get approved into Google AdSense.

How to Fix Google AdSense declined Application

The solutions below are based on my experience and what I did to get my blog in the perfect position for approval and also some are from my research for you to ensure that you get most of the possible errors and ideas on how to go about fixing them.

1. Duplicate contents

As the name suggests, this error occurs when you have similar contents published on your site. Google AdSense focuses on partnering with sites that provide value to their readers so definitely they are not looking for the quantity but the quality of your content.

In order to fix this error, you may use tools like siteliner or copyscape to identify the duplicated contents and get rid of them before applying again for a Google AdSense approval.

2. Valuable inventory: Scraped content

This error refers to the quality of your content, having content that is not unique on your site. This could be chunks of text from other sites and also images as well. I was a victim of this error personally in the past and used the duplichecker tool to fix it. will help identify which posts are unique by showing you the percentage of uniqueness and similarity from other sites.

What I loved about duplichecker is that it narrows down to the specific sentence which is not unique so that you can easily get rid of it or change the wording to make it unique.

For images, I used to go on Google and get images not knowing it could hurt my blog, so I got on and found free stock photos free from copyright and replaced the images on my site.

To avoid this error from the start, I advise that you only blog about what you have experience with, something that you can write down from your own thinking. That way, you will always be able to come up with unique and valuable content.

3. Valuable inventory: Not enough content

This is an error that gets people confused as Google does not specify the quantity of words per post or articles length. What this error means is that your articles do not have enough words to make them valuable, in order to fix this you need to add more value to your articles.

I recommend creating a minimum of 25 posts with a minimum of 800 words each before applying for Google AdSense. This way your articles will be valuable enough for consideration.

Remember, Google does not have a quantity requirement for content; all that it focuses on is only the quality, what your articles have to offer to your readers. Here is a blog post example format for you to write posts easily.

4. Valuable inventory: No content

This error is mostly mistaken for the ‘Not enough content’ error, what this is about originates from Google bots not being able to access content on your site. This is caused by not having custom robot tags to enable Google bots to crawl and access all site contents.

It can be stressing as you can have published many posts but get this error over and over again, now you know what to do…use custom robot tags to allow Google bots to crawl your entire website.

5. Valuable inventory: Under construction

This is another error that many bloggers experience. It is caused by having broken links or dead links on your site. These are links that lead nowhere, for example links that you click on and get an error.

Now when Google is reviewing your site and finds these links which lead to errors, it translates that the links are yet to be redirected to particular destinations which are functioning, which from the look of things is showing that it is not ready due to the error from the link.

So Google concludes that your site is still being constructed and decides not to approve it.

To fix this, you will need to make use of the broken link check tool to identify the broken or dead links on your site and redirect them to functioning pages or get rid of them.

6. You need to fix some things to use AdSense

This is the policy error and it is mostly confusing since it is not specific enough for you to know what to correct on your site. Below are factors that lead to this error:-

  • Posting content that promotes hate, drugs, violence and adult content
  • Content advertising products and services that spy on other people without their consent e.g. malware and spyware which can be used to track people location, conversations or browsing history without their permission or knowledge
  • Posting content related to hacking and other criminal related activities
  • Not having sites privacy policy, cookies consent and policy pages
  • Post deceptive content with issues related to politics, religion, ethnicity and other matters of public interest
  • Promoting online gambling
  • Posting about guns, explosives alcohol and hard drugs
  • Posting contents that are not originally yours. Do not post images, software, cracked versions, copyright protected songs and videos that you are not permitted to use by the original owners

7. Website theme and template

Only use themes got from the official stores or build yours from scratch. Using generic themes will be of much help, themes that are free and preinstalled in both BlogSpot and wordpress platforms.

8. You already have an existing adsense account

Google requires you to have only one AdSense account. You usually get this error if you have more than one AdSense accounts. To fix this you have to delete the other AdSense accounts and remain with the one you intend to use primarily.

When will I receive my AdSense Payment?

It can be so heartbreaking to reach the payment threshold and face problems with getting paid. Below are the necessary actions you need to take in order to ensure that when it comes to receiving your Google AdSense payments everything goes well:-

1. Confirm your personal information

You need to ensure that your personal information on your Google AdSense account is accurate. Your mailing address and payee name which is your legal names.

This is because before you can receive your Google AdSense earnings or even add a payment method, you will need to verify your address. Google will send you a PIN via standard post which takes about 2-3 weeks to arrive.

If you by any chance get it wrong and fill the wrong mailing address you risk your Google AdSense PIN being mailed to a different address which you may not be able to access to get your Google AdSense verification PIN.

This is very crucial because if you do not enter the verification PIN from Google soon enough, your ads may stop showing and you don’t want to risk that either.

2. Select your form of payment

After you have successfully verified your address using the PIN sent to you by Google, now you are able to choose your preferred form of payment.

Google AdSense provides you with various forms of payment to choose from depending on your payment address. These include wire transfer, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), EFT via Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) etc.

3. Provide your tax information

This does not apply to every country. However, if your country is among the list required to provide it then be sure to do so.

4. Meet the payment threshold

Depending on your Google AdSense account currency, you will be offered a default threshold for payments. You only get paid when your AdSense earnings balance reach the indicated amount.

Mostly it is 100 dollars or 70 euros depending on your currency. Just in case you didn’t know, you cannot change your default Google AdSense currency or adjust the threshold to a lower amount than the default figure.

I’ve received many questions about that. I believe it’s all the same in a way since the currency conversions equate to almost same amount.

When do I get my AdSense Money?

Another common question is about when the earnings will be transferred to you via your selected form of payment. Google pays publishers on a monthly basis.

When your balance reaches the minimum threshold in February, the payment will be processed between the 1st and 21st day of March. So allow for the 21 day payment processing.

Then between the 21st and 26th of March Google will issue your payment to your preferred form of payment.

The confusion I believe comes in when people assume since it is monthly basis, they will receive previous month payment at the start of the new month. Here is the thing; you will receive this month’s payment on the 21st-26th of next month.

I hope you get the point clearly.

Can I withdraw money from AdSense before threshold?

Another major concern is if you do not meet the minimum threshold, will your balance be rolled over to the next month?

This leads to people wondering if they will lose their AdSense money for this month and start a new threshold target for the upcoming month. So you get many people wondering how to withdraw money from AdSense before threshold.

How to withdraw money from adsense before threshold

That is not possible else the threshold would not be there. And of course your earnings will be rolled over to the new month till the day your balance hits the threshold for a payment processing.

It doesn’t matter whether it will reach the threshold after five or ten years, your earned AdSense money will stay in your account as unpaid earnings as long as you are observing Google AdSense program policies.

How Do I Stop AdSense Suspension?

After getting approved, you need to ensure that you observe all regulations and policies in order to avoid getting your account suspended. Below are top things to avoid if you don’t want to risk getting your adsense account suspended:-

1. Invalid clicks

This is by far the most popular reason of Google AdSense accounts getting suspended. It is mainly caused by publishers clicking on their own ads, could be knowingly or by mistake.

If you happen to click on your own AdSense ads by mistake, and by mistake I mean like a few times you do not have to worry. Google will realize and deduct the clicks worth off of your earnings when calculating the month earnings.

If you clicked on your own ads knowingly to increase your AdSense earnings then Google bots will obviously detect it as it will be visible in the numbers and you will get suspended.

Google always monitors the impressions and clicks on your ads to ensure that they are organic. This is to ensure that the advertisers do not lose their money to invalid clicks.

It is against Google AdSense policy to click on your own ads. If you are interested in a particular ad it is better you google it than clicking on it from your website or blog. Using an ad blocker on your website can be of great help with this.

2. Copyright content

This happens when you copy content (blog posts, images, videos etc.) from other people website and publish it on your website. It is against Google policy to publish plagiarized content. Use a plagiarism checker tool for your posts.

Apart from the original creators of the content realizing and taking action against you, Google will suspend your AdSense account due to the policy violation.

Always ensure you create and publish unique original content on your blog or website. You can always get free images and videos for your blog from sources like pixabay without copyright infringements.

3. Fake traffic

This is traffic that is not genuine from real people visiting your website.

It is normally generated by traffic bots. Apart from you running the risk of buying traffic for your website, your competitors could use them to generate free clicks and traffic to your website.

It is a real problem for monetized websites and Google does not provide any warnings before disabling or suspending AdSense accounts.

That means it is your job as the publisher to monitor your traffic sources and get rid of the ones you feel might not be good for your website. Using Google analytics can help you track and control your traffic properly.

Discover ways on how to increase traffic to your blog for free.

4. Unsupported language

So you got your Google AdSense account approved using a supported language and started publishing content using unsupported language.

You have to remember that Google has high technology and it is mostly bots that detect these issues and not real human beings that you can appeal to. You do not want to take chances with robots.

When you get approved, just ensure that you continue publishing content in the language you were approved using or any other language supported by Google AdSense.

5. Adult content

Google does not support adult content. This is an issue you wouldn’t expect someone to forget. If you have any form of adult content on your AdSense approved site, it is better to exclude those pages from showing ads.

Placing ads on adult content will automatically get your account suspended. It is always better to go through the AdSense program policies to be on the safe side and secure your AdSense account.


Coming to the end of “Google AdSense How to Make Money With Display Ads” post, I hope that it was useful and you learnt something from it. If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to comment down below I will be happy to hear from you.

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Meet the Author

Hey, I’m Frank! A Digital Entrepreneurship enthusiast. I help people understand the fundamentals of digital entrepreneurship. I created this site originally to hone my web design skills, motivate & inspire people who also love to dream big! Read more...

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