How Blogging Makes Money: Ultimate Guide to Sponsored Posts

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How blogging makes money with sponsored blog posts – blog post sponsorship is a great way to earn from publishing content on your own blog which makes it a great motivation especially to new bloggers who may find it boring putting out quality content consistently to grow the blog with slow to no returns in the beginning stages.

In this post we will be discussing about blog post sponsorships, how to get sponsored blog post opportunities for your blog and some examples of companies that sponsor bloggers as well.

How Blogging Makes Money With Sponsored Blog Posts

how blogging makes money

Sponsored blog post – this refers to a post that a company pays you to publish on your blog.

You come up with the post content in consideration to your terms with the particular company in a way that it is a win-win between both parties (you and the company sponsoring the post).

The sponsored blog post can fall into different categories namely:-

1. Product reviews

This category involves writing a detailed informational review about a product.

It works best if you have personally used the product and know it well from the advantages to its disadvantages and also are able to demonstrate or guide another person on how to use it.

This way it becomes easy since you are not struggling to search for just random information about the product which could be so likely to mislead your readers.

2. Recommendations

This category can be related to the above product review, it has to do with goods or services you have used personally and think your readers would be interested to use as well, so you write about the particular goods or services recommending them to your readers.

Remember you are not trying to lure your readers to make a purchase, you want to be certain that whatever you are recommending really works as recommended and that your sponsorship deal does not affect the information.

3. Company reviews

This now unlike the product and recommendations categories, has to do with reviewing the entire company with lots of links leading to dedicated landing pages.

Basically all you are doing here is talking about the company, what it is about, what services or goods it deals with, its operation, its customer service, and its regulation among many more factors.

You want to make sure everything your readers may want to know about the company is covered in the post and if not, you have potential links within the post to offer the answers.

Important tips to observe when doing sponsored blog post

  • Firstly, you will need to adhere to FTC (Federal Trade Commission) regulations by disclosing in your post that it is sponsored and who the sponsor is.
  • You need to be selective with your sponsors. This is because you need to be sure that whatever you are getting sponsored for relates and appeals to your readers perfectly. You do not want to appear spammy to your readers by posting irrelevant content to them just to get some money flowing. Remember as a blogger, your readers come first just like any other business they are your customers.

By observing the above tips you won’t regret doing sponsored blog posts on your blog as you will be on the right side of things as far as blog sponsorships is concerned.

So how do you get blog post sponsorship?

Blog post sponsorship sounding so easy to engage in, the hard part comes in when trying to find sponsors so below are guidelines I believe can work for you:-

1. Create a sponsored post page

This is to enable potential sponsors to know that you accept blog post sponsorship on your blog.

You never know every reader on your blog so you might want to create a great appealing sponsor page for your blog just in case potential sponsors happen to land on your blog.

2. Setup a media kit

This will help a lot in sealing the deal with the sponsors interested in working with you. It works as a resume so you need to make it as professional as possible. Below are some important things you should include in the media kit:-

  • Name
  • Contact
  • Website URL and name
  • Social stats for the social networks you use for your blog and amount of followers as well
  • Monthly pageviews as per Google analytics
  • Information about what you are able to offer
  • Include some information about your audience

You can also add your email list if you have one. Learn how to create email list for marketing.

3. Publish quality content

As we both know, content is king in blogging and quality content will always do great for the blog.

You won’t struggle to retain readers since the content is good enough to keep them coming back for more and for sponsorships to work best for your blog; you need a loyal audience in the picture.

Ensure that your content is of great value to your readers as this will also help to convince the sponsors to work with you.

Everybody wants to work with someone they believe is best for the job and is able to deliver quality results. Here is a blog post example format to write quality posts.

4. Find brands that suit your blog

You may want to find the brands personally and pitch to them about your ideas instead of waiting for them to recognize you. Most brands will have links on their sites from where you can get in contact with them and present your proposals and ideas.

5. Identify your competitors’ sponsors

Find out which sponsors are working with your competitors in your niche. This is a great way because you already know that the sponsors are interested in working with your blog since they are already working with similar blogs in your niche.

6. Utilize Display ads

If you are already using Google AdSense or any other display ad network on your blog, you might identify ads that are perfect fit for your blog. More about Google AdSense how to make money with display ads.

Identify the brands in charge of the advertisement and reach out to them professionally, with your media kit this will be easy for you since the brands will analyze it to arrive at a decision.

7. Once you get sponsored maintain the relationship

This is because by working repeatedly with the same sponsors, you get to cultivate a good relationship hence they are likely to hire you in future for more sponsorship deals. This is achieved in the below ways:-

  • By ensuring that you always give the sponsored post your best and satisfy your brands so as to keep them motivated to work with you more from the output you offer.
  • Having a positive attitude to the projects
  • Being courteous
  • Being professional
  • Being open with your communication

Here are more ways on how bloggers make money.

Sponsored blog post networks to consider

1. Aspire IQ

2. Izea

3. Acorn

4. Tap Influence


I believe you found the post valuable and have learnt something on “How Blogging Makes Money With Sponsored Blog Posts“. Let me know what you think in the comments section below any suggestions or questions I will be happy to hear from you.

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Hey, I’m Frank! A Digital Entrepreneurship enthusiast. I help people understand the fundamentals of digital entrepreneurship. I created this site originally to hone my web design skills, motivate & inspire people who also love to dream big! Read more...

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