Career Blogging: A Comprehensive Guide

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Blogging being so popular, one may wonder can you really create a career blogging? I too used to wonder about the same when I was in the learning phase. In this post I will be sharing some of the jobs that you can get as a blogger.

How to Create a Career Blogging

career blogging

1. Article writing

The job of an article writer is to write new articles for blogs, websites and other platforms which require articles for business. The articles need to engage with the target readers in order to achieve the desired goals.

The goals of the business could be driving traffic, generating more customers and making more sales or creating more awareness to the public. Here is a post on how to increase traffic to your blog for free.

Whichever goal there is, it is the job of the article writer to ensure that the articles resonate well with the readers and contribute to the business success as intended.

How to become a good article writer

1. Good research

In order for you to become good at article writing, you need to be able to conduct good research on your topic. This way, you get to gather more information for your article and are able to offer the best quality of information possible.

If you are not able to do research for your topics then chances are you may miss out on important and useful information leading to your articles under-performing.

2. Select a topic of your interest

If you fail to choose a topic you are personally interested in, it may become too hard of a job to you as you have no interest in the topic. Remember that one subject you never loved in school?

You want to pick a topic that you are knowledgeable in and are able to write about without feeling like you are being punished to do so.

3. Creative writing

The other thing you have to do to become a good article writer is being creative at writing. Get used to writing and make it part of your routine.

This will help to sharpen and improve your writing skills. Remember there is competition to beat in the market so you need to be able to write better articles in your topic. Here is a blog post example format.

2. SEO Expert

SEO is the abbreviation of ‘search engine optimization’. If you are an expert in seo you can apply for a job as a seo expert.

The main job of a seo expert is to test, analyze and optimize the website for search engines such as Google and Bing. This is mainly to ensure that search results are consistent, improve user experience and to grow search traffic.

Responsibilities of a seo expert

  • Optimize the website to get ranked higher on search results
  • Improve website structure and content to improve the seo rank for targeted keywords
  • Come up with high quality page descriptions and content to improve search results
  • Monitor the seo performance using seo tools to understand the progress
  • Create link building strategy for the site to grow authority in the niche

How to become a seo expert

1. Understand how search engines work

You need to familiarize yourself with how search engines work so as to know how to go about it. You cannot be an expert in what you don’t know.

2. Understand the purpose of seo

To be an expert you need to know what purpose seo serves. Many people think it is only about the traffic but it is way more than that.

You need to ensure that after the traffic comes to the website, the visitors get what they are actually looking for and they do exactly what you expect them to do. It could be making a purchase, subscribing to an email list among many other things.

3. Stay updated with seo rules and algorithms

The rules and algorithms keep changing with time, to stay on top of your game you need to ensure that you are always updating yourself on the current changes so as to update and improve your strategies accordingly.

4. Choose the right seo tools for you

There are many seo tools out there. Ensure you choose one that you feel comfortable using and make good use of it to help you accomplish more. This is crucial as doing everything manually with seo can be so hard.

5. Get insights from case studies by SEO experts

Reading case studies from seo experts can be helpful to you because you get to learn new things from them without learning in detail which could take you more time.

This is because from the case studies, you get to learn the important stuff from the experts’ experiences.

3. Digital/Online marketer

Being a blogger, you get to learn how to market your content online by digital means. If you get so good at the marketing, you can apply for a job as a digital marketer.

This could be by use of Facebook ads, Google ads, Bing ads, Pinterest ads and many more. To become a great digital marketer you need to dedicate yourself to learn how ads work in detail.

This way you will gain the basics to the online advertising world which you can always tweak to fit any platform online. Reason being what goes for one platform isn’t necessarily what goes for another.

Like in Facebook ads, there are some things that you cannot do but are allowed in Google ads. Learning from the basics level of online advertising is way better than specializing in one platform.

Earn with Neil Patel

However, you can always specialize in your platforms of interest as you gather your experience.

How do I start a career blogging?

1. Don’t follow other people

In order to create career blogging and succeed, you need to be honest with yourself.

Take for instance you have been admiring the lifestyle of a blogger you discovered online. The fact that they get to live an intentional life funded by their blog motivates you a lot.

The biggest mistake you can make is to follow and try to be like them. This is because their blog is a business and if you follow them blindly chances are they will make money out of you and you will end up nowhere in blogging.

Instead of doing that it is better to learn from them. You are totally different in every aspect. Your abilities, experiences and skills or blogging knowledge is totally different from theirs.

Decide on why you want to blog at the first place and start from there. Come up with the final picture of what you want your blog to be like. Here are starting a blog tips with top mistakes to avoid as a beginner.

Then reverse engineer the process and come up with all the necessary steps you will need to take to get to your goal. That will be realistic and customized to your abilities which will raise your drive to take action.

2. Put your efforts on one domain

When starting, you might be tempted to come up with multiple ideas to split test with. This may seem like a good idea but trust me it isn’t. As a beginner you need to focus on one blog and give it your best to make it a success.

If you divide your focus to work on more than one blog it will eventually become hard for you to run them and chances are you will give up too soon. On the other hand, focusing on one blog at a time as a beginner is always a win regardless of whether it succeeds or fails.

This is because you get to learn either way, if it succeeds it indicates that you are doing everything right and you can always start another one when the first one is a success and doing good. How to purchase domain name for website.

If by any chance it fails, that is not necessarily a fail as it equips you with experience. When starting the next one you won’t be coming from a beginner point of view and the mistakes you made with the first one won’t be likely to be made again. Learn best blogging practices to stay motivated.

3. Patience is a must

Blogging is just like any other type of business. It is not a get rich quick thing and does not bear fruits overnight. You need to grow it first so that you can reap the fruits later.

Being honest with you, blogging will frustrate you if you are thinking of starting it to make some quick cash online.

Remember it is something new you are starting and nobody knows about it so you will have to put in the efforts to promote it to create awareness and attract your ideal readers.

4. Be different

You might be tempted to copy other people content online. This will not get you any far and will do nothing for you but hurt your blog badly. It is not about inventing the wheel and coming up with something that has never been heard of either.

What I mean is you will need to come up with your own version of information. You can always get inspiration by reading other fashion blogs for example if you wish to start a fashion blog.

Then after you have gained insights from the blogs you can now go come up with your own version of content.

Do not and never copy other people content because search engines won’t rank your blog if you do that and trust me that’s the last mistake you want to make. This is because your blog won’t be indexed.

Actually try to come up with better content than what you read for inspiration on other blogs. Try and see what they have not covered or what you feel you might know better than them and go write about that.

It will be of so great benefit to you in the long run and people will respect you when they come across your blog and see that you are putting in efforts.

5. Monetization strategies

After you have published a reasonable amount of blog posts and are getting some traffic, you can apply for ad networks like Google AdSense, media net, ezoic etc.

This is by far the easiest way of monetizing your blog and earning money as a blogger. All you do is apply and when you get accepted you get paid for displaying advertisements on your blog.

Freelancing on sites like Fiverr to trade your blogging skills is a good option as well.

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If your blog involves products or services that can be purchased online, you can go ahead and incorporate affiliate marketing as well. With affiliate marketing you will earn commissions when people purchase the products or services through your affiliate links.

Learn more about how bloggers make money.


That was about “How to Create a Career Blogging”. Got any more ideas, questions or suggestions? Feel free to comment down below and I will be glad to hear from you.

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Meet the Author

Hey, I’m Frank! A Digital Entrepreneurship enthusiast. I help people understand the fundamentals of digital entrepreneurship. I created this site originally to hone my web design skills, motivate & inspire people who also love to dream big! Read more...

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