Drive Traffic Like a Pro: Increase Traffic to Website Using Tailwind

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Increase traffic to website using tailwind. Tailwind is mainly used for scheduling. When you add your Pinterest account, its algorithm learns from your Pinterest audience.

So you are guaranteed that your pins will get the best exposure when you publish during the suggested times. Isn’t that cool?

How to Increase Traffic to Website Using the Tailwind App

Using the tailwind app to automate your pinterest pin scheduling is very powerful. It saves you time which you can use to produce more content and quality pins for your pinterest strategy.

Below are the advantages of using tailwind that will definitely help increase traffic to your blog quickly.

increase traffic to website

Advantages of using the tailwind app

1. Find life and work balance

When you use tailwind, you will find that you get to save so much time. This is because you will no longer need to spend time every now and then accessing your social media profiles to publish some fresh pins or posts for your business.

You will get better balance in your work activities and life generally. Since the time used to do manual pinning or posting will be allocated more productive tasks to grow even further.

2. All in one plan

When you create your tailwind account, you will be able to add and manage your Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook page from the same tailwind account.

3. Create pins within the tailwind app

Before, you would need to create your pin designs from other apps like canva, download them and upload to tailwind for scheduling. Now the tailwind app has made it possible for you to create your pin designs within the app.

So you get to do everything from one place. To create the pin designs is easy as well just like in canva, it has a drag and drop feature. What I love most is that you can use the URL for the post you wish to create pins for to get ideas.

Just copy it and paste it in the tailwind create section. Tailwind will automatically generate pin designs using the images from the post URL used. You can change the category of the pin to change the pin designs, customize the pin titles and even the color schemes to bring out the taste you want.

If you are not satisfied with the images from the post, you are able to upload other images or choose from the provided stock photos as well in the create section within the tailwind app.

After you are satisfied with the pin designs creation, choose and select all pins you wish to schedule. Do not forget to add branding to your pins before scheduling then click on “Go schedule”.

You will be prompted to choose the Pinterest account to schedule to. Choose and continue. The posts will be all linked to the post URL you used to generate pin designs, if you wish to change it you can change as well.

Tailwind gives you the ideal times when your audience is active for perfect and effective scheduling.

4. Improved Instagram scheduling

Instagram only allows you to link to external sites only from the profile in bio.

So that every time you post manually, you need to go and update your link in bio on your profile.

The tailwind app has good news for you! Now while scheduling Instagram posts, you can program tailwind to allocate the specific post URL where your “link in bio” will lead to when it goes live.

This will help so much in increasing your Instagram traffic saving you time at the same time.

5. Team/Collaborators feature

When you want to source some help in pins or posts creation, you do not necessarily need to give up all access to the other person. You can use the “Team/Collaborators” feature.

This will help you to delegate tasks by allocating other people account access as collaborators and once they create the pins or posts, all you will need to do is approve by a single click.

This helps you keep your account safe by taking full control of access.

6. Tailwind communities

This is an internal tool where other tailwind app members work together by sharing each other’s pins and posts to help each other grow faster.

You will need these communities especially if your Pinterest account is new. It will give you massive boost in traffic growth. All you will need to do in return is share other members’ pins and posts as they help share yours too.

Just search for active communities related to your niche and apply to join to start using the tailwind app communities.

Try the tailwind app for free

increase traffic to website

  • Go to tailwind site here
  • Choose to sign up with Pinterest (ensure you are already logged into Pinterest)
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to completely setup your tailwind app account

You can add both your Instagram and Facebook page as well and if by any chance you change your username in the added accounts, you can always refresh the tailwind app to update the changes in tailwind.

Remember to add your site domain if you have one. This is important for insights and analytics tracking.

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Hey, I’m Frank! A Digital Entrepreneurship enthusiast. I help people understand the fundamentals of digital entrepreneurship. I created this site originally to hone my web design skills, motivate & inspire people who also love to dream big! Read more...

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